Vaulting at Contessa

Vaulting ( gymnastics on horseback) is an athletic club to improve your balence, posture, group working and is a fun activaty that i thourouly recomend!

March 2009 saw the official launch of the Contessa Vaulting Club. Vaulting sessions run every Saturday from 12.30pm - 2pm, and cost £15 per session, this cost is reduced to £12.50 per session for members when paying for 5 sessions in advance (£62.50 for 5) We allow vaulters to have 4 'taster sessions' before we insist that they must become British Equestrian Vaulting (BEV) members. this costs £10 per year

An exciting and very different equestrian discipline, vaulting is an excellent way to develop balance, co-ordination and suppleness, as well as promoting teamwork and communication.

We even sometimes have the british Vaulting team out to train us!

In August 2009 three of our regular vaulters participated in the English Vaulting Championships, and competed in the individual and pairs freestyle competitions. They gained two 3rds and a 4th - an excellent result for their first competition